Sunday, April 6, 2008

Choosing Schools

Massive headaches
you can't get it out of your mind
agonizing misery
everyone congratulates you
on having "choice"
you think it's that good?
this is my future
this decision could affect my whole life
Hell, I'm only 14!
I was the choice was made for me
but no, two unbelievable schools
constant struggle


Jake said...

-Alex this is a very good poem
you are right it is a very hard choice even though i didn't go threw it this year.
I dont no what you mean when you say
i was the choice was made for me maybe you can add its in the middle of choice and was
but it is very good


Sam Essery said...

Nice Poem, its like real life, great way to use your experience and turn it into a poem just like we learned in "Poetry 101"

Alex the 10th line doesnt really make any sense, i think you could change it to "the choice was made for me," or "i have two wide open doors now i just have walk through one." You hsould have made it a little different throw the reader off a bit.